The Platinum trophy queen of the Community Game-Along. But don't assume she plays games just for trophies, she is here to have fun with her eclectic gaming tastes. You can usually find her on Twitch streaming Overwatch, seducing Garrus in the great dating sim that is Mass Effect, or another grand video game. You may also see her test herself within the criteria of the different Community Game-Along themes.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
My name is Ella. I am 34 years old and I work in finance. I love reading mystery and romance novels, watching horror movies and playing cozy video games and action filled rpgs.
How did you get into video games?
From my dad. When I was little, he brought home a SNES for my older sister and a Sega Genesis for me. He also had a computer and would play computer games in his office while I played in there I would watch him. He also had me play sometimes.
What is your criteria for a good/memorable video game?
It has to be the story. For it to be memorable for me the story has to be good and engage me. Also, this doesn't mean voice acted video games or games with text, there are video games, like Submerged and A Memoir Blue, who say a lot by saying little or nothing at all.
How did you discover the Community Game-Along?
I discovered it years ago when an indie dev retweeted Anna Lee aka apricotsushi promoting VN November. I had a backlog of VNs at that time I decided to join in. I really got into it in recent years.
Are there any games or game genres that you don't think you would have discovered without the Community Game-Along?
It woul have to be Asian Games month. I bought Coffee Talk because of people's praises of it while they played them that month and I loved it. And I also wish listed or outright bought games from that month that people played like A Space for the Unbound, Xuan Yuan Sword, and others.
Four video games you would most recommend people play?
Skyrim, Hatoful Boyfriend, Mass Effect and Life is Strange.
Any final thoughts for the Community Game-Along?
Only that I love participating because it is helping me get through my MASSIVE backlog of games and I love the community!